A Star Studded Memorial Day is pretty awesome. But a BACON and CHEDDAR studded Memorial Day is even better. Better with cheddar…. see what I did there? Of course you did, because resident Burger Bacon Babe is here with the delish! Introducing bacon cheddar burgers…
Just look at those beefy nooks and crannies with cheese and bacon! OMG.
Just look at that cheese crust that forms on the burger patty! ^^^^^ Aw, yeah, baby, that’s my kinda burger!

- 2 pounds ground beef
- 3/4 cup shredded sharp cheddar
- 6 slices bacon thinly snipped with kitchen shears
- kosher salt and pepper to taste
- Fold cheddar and bacon pieces into ground beef. Do not over work or the meat will get tough. Form into patties and sprinkle salt and pepper on each one.
- Grill until cooked through to desire temperature.
What a perfect way to wrap up my tour with the Georgia Beef Board and to pay tribute to the 15,000 beef cattle operations in Georgia– there are cattle in every single one of Georgia’s 159 counties, believe it or not!
And don’t forget the health benefits of beef…(OK, so bacon and cheddar aren’t exactly a health benefit– I consider them an accessory to the healthy part!) But the stats are legit: There are 29 lean cuts of beef and only 160 calories in 3 oz of beef. Plus, it’s loaded with protein, iron and Vitamin B12.
B also stands for Burger. And Bacon. And the next letter is C. Which stands for Cheddar. You see where I’m going with this, right?
Happy Memorial Day! Get your grill on!