Loaded Bacon Tater “Muffins”



Lately, I’ve been posting a lot of delicious low-carb options….Warning:  This is NOT one of them.

Eat a couple of these creamy, carby Queens and prepare for a Food Coma.

They say necessity is the mother of invention– in this case, it was my poor timing in the kitchen.  JP had requested twice baked potatoes with the steak he was grilling and I got so busy pouring another glass of wine or three prepping the veggies that I forgot all about it.  When there were only 10 minutes left before the steak was done, I got creative.

I treated these just like mashed potatoes, (with the addition of lots of cheese and Burgers’ Smokehouse Pepper Coated Country Bacon ).  Winning!

First, boil a large pot of water and toss 2 sliced baked potatoes in while you bake the bacon till crispy.



Boil until tender– about 10-15 minutes.  (about the same time it will take to cook your bacon– I do it at 400 for 10 minutes.)  This is seriously the best. bacon. ever.  It’s peppery, smoky and meaty.  My favorite combo.  In fact, if given my choice, I’d just eat the bacon and leave the taters to my man!  But, I digress…


Drain and mash with 1/2 a stick of butter and 1/4 cup heavy cream.  Fold in a cup of grated sharp cheddar cheese (or your favorite type) and crumble the bacon in.


Salt to taste.  Then put a tab of butter into each muffin cup.


Preheat the broiler to High.  Spoon the mashed cheesy, bacon-y goodness into the muffin tins.  And then top with more cheeeeeeeeeese.


Broil until the tops are crispy– about 2-3 minutes.


NOTE: The taters don’t really stay in their muffin shape— I scooped them out and they sort of drooped on the plate– but this was for sheer taste, y’all.  Presentation? Not so much.  But they were slam dunk delish.  Loaded bacon taters…without all the mess of scooping out the skins and twice baking.

I promise, we’ll go back to low-carb tomorrow.

This is not a sponsored post, meaning I was not given monetary compensation to write it. I was sent product at no charge to review honestly, and was under no obligation to say anything positive about the product or the company. The photographs, recipe, and opinions are 100% my own.







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