Muscadine Cake with a Muscadine Glaze

muscadine cake

Muscadines aren’t just for wine, y’all!  Ground those grapes up and they make a delicious base for a super moist cake.  And yeah, I’m using a box mix, don’t judge!  The secret to the moistness is the box of vanilla pudding (no need to actually MAKE the pudding, you just pour in the powder) AND the glaze is key.  Make sure you poke a ton of holes into the cake so the glaze seeps in– sticky, yummy delish!

Muscadine seeds are a bit high maintenance– I cut the grapes in half, took out the seeds and THEN put them in my juicer.  It’s worth the extra step!

The crew on The Weather Channel’s AMHQ show loved it— and you will too.  Here’s the live shot with Sam Champion!

Muscadine Cake with Muscadine Glaze

" title="Muscadine Cake with Muscadine Glaze" alt="Muscadine Cake with Muscadine Glaze" />


    For the cake:
  • 1 box yellow cake mix
  • 1 small box vanilla pudding mix
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 1/4 cup muscadine juice
  • For the glaze:
  • 1/2 cup muscadine juice
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • juice from 1/2 a lemon


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients and pour into a greased and floured bundt pan.
  2. Bake for 45-50 minutes. Cool slightly and mix glaze ingredients in a small saucepan.
  3. Poke holes in cake and let the glaze soak into the holes.
  4. Dust with powdered sugar.

Sam and Parker



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4 thoughts on “Muscadine Cake with a Muscadine Glaze

  1. Michael pendley

    I live in Alabama and grew up with muscadines and use them year round for wine, jellies and many other recipes. These are the best grapes ever. Sweeter than usual grapes but if u want even sweeter.. Try scupernogs/scupadines.

  2. Beverly

    This is a great and easy recipe. We’ve had lots of muscadines this year so have lots of jelly on hand now and plan to gather more to freeze some juice just for making this cake during the coming cool months! I think this could be done with other yummy juices too (like blueberry) and it is deceivingly easy and everyone is impressed because they don’t know that. ?. Thanks!

    1. Parker Post author

      That sounds delish!! I love the idea of combining other juices– making the flavors more complex and juicy!


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