Nut-free Pesto

Go nuts...without the nuts!

Go nuts…without the nuts!

Lately, nuts have been giving me itchy, bumpy hives doing not so nice things to my complexion.  Pesto is one of my favorite toppings for pasta and pizza– hell, I’d even spoon that green goodness onto my cereal.  Pesto Crispies, anyone?  Anyhoo,  I needed an allergy-free solution: I give you, NUT-FREE pesto.  Almost, as good as the real deal.
2 cups basil leaves
3 Tb parsley
1/3 cup freshly grated parmesan
1/3 cup + 3 Tb olive oil
1/4 cup unsalted sunflower seeds
4 fresh garlic cloves
1/2 ts of salt (salt to taste since the parmesan adds quite a bit of saltiness)
Blend all ingredients in food processor. Add a Tb or two of water if you want to thin it down. Spread on fish before baking, or mix into pasta….or dip pieces of pita into it! DELISH!
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