Almond Crusted Tilapia with a Thai Coconut Curry Sauce
I’m always looking for new ways to cook the same ‘ol fish. Since halibut and sea bass are ridiculously expensive, tilapia and catfish are my bottom feeder standbys! Don’t knock these fishies for snacking on
poop garbage at the bottom of the ocean– no one’s complaining about lobsters bottom feeding!
Anyhoo, I digress. I love adding texture to fish so you get a little crunch with your flakey, tender bites. I took a cup of almonds, pulsed them in the food processor and bam, easy (gluten-free) “breading.” I like soaking my fish in buttermilk for 30 minutes before cooking— it takes away any remnants of fishy flavor and tenderizes the fillets. You could serve this with a simple tartar sauce (mix a little mayo with relish and a squeeze of lemon) but I opted for a spicy Thai curry sauce that was “deceptively delicious” because of sneaking in some chopped brussel sprouts. JP hates brussel sprouts– so I roasted about half a dozen at 400 for 30 minutes with some olive oil and sea salt, then chopped them up and added them to the sauce just before serving. He loved it and had no idea he was eating brussels!! Brilliant! (I served the fish with sticky Thai purple rice which was marv. Instead of cooking it with water, I subbed coconut milk.)
- 2 cups of buttermilk (for soaking)
- 1 cup raw almonds
- salt and pepper
- 1 Tb canola oil
- 1 Tb butter
- 3 garlic cloves chopped
- 1 Tb olive oil or coconut oil
- 1 Tb Thai Chili paste
- 1 Tb fresh ginger
- 1 Tb honey
- 1 tsp curry powder
- 1 tsp coriander
- juice from 1/2 lime
- 1 Tb tamari or soy sauce
- 1 jalapeno chopped (optional)
- 6 roasted brussel sprouts chopped (optional)
- 1 can full fat coconut milk
- chopped cilantro for garnish
- Soak in buttermilk for 30 minutes.
- Pulse almonds in food processor with "S" blade until they are a course "breadcrumb" consistency.
- Dredge tilapia in almond crumbs.
- Sprinkle both sides with a pinch of kosher salt and pepper
- Heat up a frying pan on medium high heat-- add oil and butter and wait until butter is bubbly. Add fish and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side until fish is cooked through.
- In a large sauce pan, heat up oil on medium high heat. Add garlic and stir for 30 seconds. Add chili paste and stir continuously for a minute until it is combined with garlic.
- Add entire can of coconut milk and stir to combine. The cream at the top of the can will have separated, so it takes a minute or two to come together in the sauce pan.
- Add the rest of the ingredients and turn down heat to low/medium. Keep warm until ready to serve.
- Spoon sauce over fish and garnish with cilantro.
Video: Putting Together Your Perfect Pantry
So, this is a clip from my satellite media tour in NYC, talking about putting together the Perfect Pantry! I did 22 of these segments back to back to back to back…..*DEEP breath. It was a complete adrenaline rush and JP and I had the Perfect excuse to explore the food and wine scene eat and drink all of the things! Click here if the video box below doesn’t play.
Video: 45 Pounds Lost and Bikini Reveal
So, this is what 45 pounds looks like— and a whole lot of sweating, running, lifting and low-carbing. (More on that in a minute.) And yeah, that actually IS me on the left– (pretend like I’m not wearing that hideous doo-rag or the spare tire around my mid-section.) Here’s the thing… when I took that “before” pic and then gasped when I saw how far I’d gotten off track with my diet and exercise, I NEVER IMAGINED I would publicly share it. It was something to bury deep in my cell phone as a reminder to not hit a late night drive thru and to say no to that third glass of wine.
But as I started my journey to get in shape high school skinny, it became the motivating factor for my lifestyle changes. Lifestyle, indeed. People ask me all the time when they see my food porn on Facebookand Instagram, “But do you really EAT all of that stuff?”
In a word, NO.
But I eat a lot of it. JP still requests chicken fried steak and scalloped potatoes and crazy chef chick that I am, sometimes I make separate meals for us. For me, that means, no breading and no starches. In fact, I cut out all the processed crap from my life. That translates to no sugar, nothing from a box, no pasta, rice, flour, anything with wheat or gluten, and all bread. And all french fries.
So, you ask, “Then what the hell DO you eat??”
I chow down on lots of low carb delish– bacon, any and all cuts of meat, cheese, dairy and veggies. It’s a ketogenic style of eating. Just don’t call it a diet, because that is a 4 letter word that is very, very bad. I will never go hungry on a DIET again. FYI, I have an entire section on this blog devoted to low carb/ketogenic meals!
Here’s how it works
When carbohydrate containing foods are digested, they are broken down into blood sugar (glucose) in the body. The more carbohydrates we eat, the more glucose is made. As diabetics know, high blood sugar is toxic to the body. Eating more fats and protein and less carbs causes our internal biochemical pathways to switch to using our stored fat for fuel instead of burning sugar.
So basically, when you’re eating a ketogenic diet, your body is burning FAT for fuel. For me, that resulted in putting on a teeny tiny bikini for the first time in 10 years. I’m really freaking proud of what I accomplished. And, more than that, I feel fabulous– with more energy and more confidence than I’ve ever had in my entire life.
Want to know more? I’m going to be introducing personalized ketogenic meal plans on my site soon, so you too can find the kind of success I’ve experienced. It will seriously, change your life.
Add in a bad ass workout like Orange Theory Fitness (and NO, I’m not a paid spokesperson for them) and everything that’s been leaned out by the ketogenic style of eating will get toned and tightened…I also do mat work from the Tracy Anderson Method and pop into a few Zumba classes each month.
Here are my stats: I’m 5’11 and started out at 190 pounds with 34% body fat. Today I am a lean 145-148 pounds and dropped to 18% body fat.
Here’s the reveal!
Post Cinco de Mayo Pineapple Coconut Smoothie
I don’t know about y’all, but this little Gordita overdid it with the booze and cheese lastnight. Copious amounts of cheese, guacamole, margaritas and more cheese– and more tequila. Someone may have even put some bacon on her taco, just sayin’.
So, this morning, I made the most refreshing pineapple coconut detox (non)cocktail. I mixed 2 cups of fresh pineapple with a few Tb of coconut cream– that yummy, thick cream that you find at the top of a can of coconut milk when you open it up. (Not the coconut milk in the carton– you have to get the full fat cans of the good stuff. Thai Kitchen is my favorite brand.) Put that in a food processor or blender and chill it— DIVINE. Feeling no bueno about that Cinco de Mayo bender? This is the best Seis de Mayo detox drink ever. (Although Malibu rum might be a nice addition, but that’s just me being an enabler….)
- 2 cups fresh coconut
- 3 Tb coconut cream (from the can)
- 1/4 cup coconut water (more if you want to thin it out)
- Blend ingredients together until smooth.
Chilled Cucumber Avocado Soup
I never have been a fan of gazpacho– to me, it kinda feels like you’re just eating salsa…but as the weather gets warmer, there’s nothing like a chilled cucumber avocado soup. Without the cucumber addition, the texture is thicker and you might as well be shoveling guacamole into your pie hole. (Not that there’s ANYTHING wrong with that, btw). Love the fresh factor that the Cuke’s add!
This is a great soup to serve before a heavier meal– or if you’re doing a little spring cleaning and opting for a detox menu, it is filling and super nutritious. And, unlike most of my posts, (ahem, BACON) it qualifies as vegan/vegetarian, SHOCKER!
It kept well in the fridge for an additional 24 hours after I made it. If you want a thinner consistency, just add more of the coconut “water” from the coconut milk can.
- 2 peeled cucumbers
- 2 garlic cloves
- 3 avocados
- 2 Tb coconut cream (the thick cream that floats to the top of a can of coconut milk)
- 2 Tb coconut water (the residual "water" under the coconut cream)
- 2 slices pineapple (fresh or canned)
- 1 Tb fresh pineapple juice
- 1 tsp salt plus more to taste
- juice from 1/2 lime
- kosher salt to taste
- fresh cilantro for garnish
- Blend everything together in a blender or food processor. Serve chilled.
Tips & Tricks: Easiest (and Coolest) Way to Separate an Egg Yolk
Tips & Tricks: Keep a Cutting Board in Place
Coconut Mango Sorbet
When I was planning the menu for my last cooking class, I wanted to showcase a simple, healthy dessert that would compliment the spicy Thai peanut sauce entree we were making.
Introducing: Coconut Mango Sorbet!
You don’t need an ice cream machine to make it– just a blender or a food processor. It’s super refreshing and was a huge hit with my class. It’s easy to make ahead or in bulk, so you can keep dessert or a healthy snack frozen for the kiddos! There’s a hint of turmeric in this sorbet which accents the beautiful yellow mango color– and adds a really exotic flavor profile. Plus, it’s packed with antioxidants. DEEEEEELISH!
- 1 (16oz) bag of frozen mango
- 3 Tb coconut cream
- 1/4 cup heavy cream
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 5 Tb honey
- 1/2 tsp turmeric
- 1/2 tsp fresh ginger (Gourmet Gardens tube)
- 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 2 Tb coconut meat
- shredded coconut and mint for garnish
- Put all of the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Put sorbet in the freezer until ready to serve. Top with shredded coconut and mint. (4-6 servings)
Low Carb Peanut Butter Cheesecake Muffins
This picture does not do these little morsels of delish justice. They are reeeeeeaaaaallllllly good. It’s a recipe I modified from Smitten Kitchen’s sugary carb version….I didn’t sub out sugar free chocolate chips, but if you want ULTRA low carb, opt for that instead of the semi-sweet chocolate chips.
If you can picture me at 2am, the night before my first cooking class, I was totally stressing about prepping and realized at that late hour that I needed to make something for the ladies to munch on when they arrived. So, with copious amounts of peanut butter and cream cheese in my kitchen, this seemed like a winner. I converted Smitten Kitchen’s recipe into muffins– and by the Grace of Low Carb Gods, it all worked out. The women in my class went nuts over these!! The ganache is to die for. You can make the muffin or the regular cheesecake version– both were sublime.
- 1 cup raw sliced almonds
- 1 Tb Brown Sugar Splenda
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 stick of butter melted
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
- 13oz semisweet chocolate
- 2 Tb smooth peanut butter
- 2 (8oz) packages of full fat cream cheese, at room temperature
- 1 ¼ cups smooth peanut butter
- ½ cup Truvia
- ¾ cup sour cream
- 3 large eggs
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- ½ cup heavy whipping cream
- 5 oz semisweet chocolate
- 1 Tb smooth peanut butter
- Make almond crust: In a food processor, blend almonds, brown sugar and cinnamon together until finely ground. Drizzle in melted butter and process until crumbs begin to stick together.
- Transfer crumbs to prepared pan. Press crumb mixture into muffin tins or on bottom of springform pan. Chill crust until next step.
- Make fudge layer: Bring cream to simmer in large saucepan. Remove from heat; whisk in chocolate and peanut butter until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Pour into bottom of chilled crust and spread in an even layer. Freeze until ganache layer is firm, about 30 minutes.
- Heat oven: To 325°F.
- For the cheesecake layer: Using an electric mixer or a standing mixer, beat cream cheese, peanut butter, and Truvia until well-blended and fluffy. Beat in sour cream, then eggs, one at a time, and vanilla. Mix until smooth. Pour over fudge layer that has set in the freezer.
- If using a springform pan, wrap foil around it and place on middle baking rack. If using muffin tins, just place on middle baking rack.
- To bake: Bake cake until slightly firm to the touch and the top appears dry, about one hour. The center two inches should only move slightly when pan is gently shaken. Transfer cheesecake to rack in the fridge until fully cool, at least three hours.
- For the ganache topping: Heat cream in a small saucepan until simmering.
- Off the heat, whisk in choocolate and peanut butter, if using. Pour onto chilled cheesecake and spread to the edges. Return cheesecake to the fridge until the ganache sets, about 30 minutes.