Parker’s Skinny Margarita
I have a love/hate relationship with tequila. It all started with a trip to Mexico back in 1998 involving a snake and a dive bar. Let me explain…
The boy toy back then and I ended up in a smoky hole of a bar outside Rosarito Beach, where it appeared not even the locals dared venture into. But I wanted a cocktail, and this place looked, well, authentic.
My polite Spanish request of, “Por favor, nos gustamos margaritas de fresas” (Please, we would like some strawberry margaritas,” was answered with, “No tengo margaritas and no tengo nada para Americanos.” No bueno.
When I asked the crusty old bartender what the strongest tequila he had was, he pointed to a vat in the corner. All of the dusty bottles stashed behind the bar looked like Mexican moonshine so I figured it would be strong. I ordered 3 shots. Note to self: When the bartender refuses to take a shot with you, don’t drink what he’s pouring.
Boy toy who was near the vat of tequila on the other side of the bar said, “Uh, yeah, Parker, there’s some thing in here….this isn’t good. This isn’t good at all.”
“It’s probably just the worm!” I shot back (and threw another shot back, literally.)
“Nope, it’s not a worm.”
“Well then, what the hell is it???”
“A cobra.”
(GULP.) Snake bite shots! Awesome.
Montezuma and his revenge visited me shortly after said shots were consumed. All that said, Tequila and I didn’t meet again for another 5 years. When we got to know each other again — this time, we took it slow. But inevitably, Tequila would leave me by daylight with a gnarly hangover and early morning regrets. Then I realized, it wasn’t the Tequila. It was the sugary, syrupy MIX!
Not being a huge fan of the taste of Bethenny’s Skinny Girl Margarita, I decided to come up with my own.
Enjoy with your current boy toy and this yummy Marg. Handle snakes at your own risk.

Courtesy: mbgb on Tumblr