Yummy Beach Bag Giveaway!

basketI was pretty stoked when the folks from Parrano Cheese contacted me about being part of a select group of foodie bloggers to take part in their delish giveaway!  We were given themes to participate in Parrano’s Picnic Campaign— I chose to put together a “Toes in the Sand Basket” now that I’ve got my bikini body back, y’all!   Check out the yummy compilation– from wine and cheese to the most perfect bronzer on the planet and some inspiration from the gorgeous Cammy Diaz.  I consider this a LOVE MY BODY BAG…this is all about embracing our inner goddess and feeling good about what we’re putting in our bodies (delish low carb Parrano cheese!) and on our bodies– (hello sunscreen!)

So, how do you win?

I want to know: What body part do you love and what do you do for yourself to feel beautiful inside and out?   So often we focus on what we want to change– our thighs, our stretch marks, our blotchy skin tone…instead of relishing in our gorgeously flawed selves.  Email me a selfie with a sign that says “I LOVE MY (*blank*)” and a couple sentences about what you do to feel beatiful!  Send submissions to: parker at whatsonparkersplate.com.

Deadline to enter is Wednesday, June 18th at 12:00am EST.

Winner will be announced Wednesday,  June 25th at 12pm EST.

Your “Toes in the Sand Basket” includes:

Trio of Parrano Cheeses—  Parrano Originale:  I love the smooth, creamy finish.  This cheese lasted about 11 seconds before it was totally inhaled.   Hollandse Chevre:  Um, hello buttery delish!  Put this on a cracker with some Pâté and OMG! Melkbus 149: This is my favorite of the three and totes melt-in-your-mouth decadence.  Ridiculously good.

Simply Balanced Apple Slices: These freeze dried fruits have the crunch factor that I crave!  Super healthy and a great substitute for chips—and this snack won’t wreck your bikini diet!

Neutragena Ultra Sheer Body Mist – A girl’s got to protect her skin!  This is the best protection against UVA-aging and UVB-burning rays in a spray that’s super light and isn’t greasy.  Plus, it’s sweatproof and is easy to apply….

Gleam Body Radiance:  Developed by superstar makeup artist Melanie Mills who headed up the makeup department for Dancing With the Stars….Now she’s bottled her beautiful bronze for the masses—and it’s incredible.  Adding a little “gleam” to your sun kissed bod never looked so good!

O.N.E. Coconut water:  Low in calories, naturally fat- and cholesterol free, more potassium than four bananas, and super hydrating— coconut water is loaded with benefits. It’s also a great thirst quencher when you’re lounging in the sand!

Beach Accessories- Towel, Frisbee, oversized beach hat: Gotta have a Frisbee on the beach to show off that gorg bod!  When you’re ready to relax, sport an oversized, stylish hat on your lush beach towel.

Cameron Diaz’s The Body Book:  One of my favorite actresses, Cameron Diaz, tells an inspiring personal story backed by science about the mind/body connection.  A must-have beach read!

Guenoc Cabernet: One of my fave big reds! Hints of vanilla and black cherry make this a perfect pairing with Parrano cheeses…or, turn it into a pitcher of delish Sangria with fresh fruit.

**Disclaimer: As a blogger chosen to participate in this contest, I was provided with Parrano products and $100 to choose items for my basket.  The basket items were chosen by me and not suggested by anyone else.  I was not given any additional compensation to participate in this contest.



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4 thoughts on “Yummy Beach Bag Giveaway!

  1. Mae

    My favourite part of my body is my hands since they allow me to do everything and feel life. I feel beautiful on the inside when I eat vegetables lol


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