Boursin & Parmesan Encrusted Salmon

Boursin & Parmesan Encrusted salmonOK, let me be honest: I put that fancy name in the title, but this dish really should be called, “Easy, Cheesy Salmon.”  For reals.  4 ingredients:  Salmon, Boursin cheese, Parmesan and kosher salt.  Boom.

Ever since I started following a low carb/high fat style of eating, cheese has become my BFF. We’re tight. Like, it’s a rubitallovermyface kinda love fest. Salmon gives you a healthy dose of your Omega-3’s and the creamy, delicious consistency of Boursin cheese makes it melt-in-your-mouth. If you’ve never had Boursin, it comes in a cute little box and is usually where the Parmesan and blue cheese live at the grocery store. It’s basically a whipped cream cheese with herbs that is oh-so-good. Let it melt onto a steak hot off the grill— OMG.  It’s also awesome added to eggs/omelets.


Once I slather some Boursin on the salmon, I add a sprinkling of parm on top to get that “encrusted” feel.  Hungry yet?

Boursin & Parmesan Encrusted Salmon

Boursin & Parmesan Encrusted Salmon


  • 1 salmon filet
  • 2 Tb Boursin cheese
  • 2 Tb grated Parmesan cheese
  • pinch of kosher salt


  1. Preheat oven to 400.
  2. Put tin foil on a rimmed cookie sheet and spray with cooking spray.
  3. Place salmon on sheet and spread Boursin cheese on top of filet.
  4. Sprinkle with Parmesan and a pinch of kosher salt.
  5. Bake for 15 minutes.
  6. Broil for 1 minute to brown the Parmesan on top.

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